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warming down!




A supportive group of amateur runners meet twice weekly at the Cricket Ground in Saffron Walden, with a view straight across to St Mary's Church this must be one of the prettiest spots to work on your fitness.


The principle reason to meet is to improve running techniques... have some outdoor exercise (any weather -we never cancel) and run.


It has been known for members to chat as the class runs along - this is an excellent lung exercise and is very demanding - good skills.


If you would like to join this group please call or email me! (see contact)




Meet at the Cricket Ground, use the entrance at the Catons Lane car park and walk through to the green. 


Please check for times  - ususally 9.30am Tuesday and Thursday with no need to book, but best to sign up to the newsletter and you will be kept informed.


Don't forget if you recommend us to a friend you get a free class when they come along with you. 


All levels welcome! 




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